There is a wealth of satellite imagery of earth available, but it's not always
obvious how or where to obtain those images. Quite a lot of imagery is available
for free and free imagery usually offers a good starting point for any new project.
Commercial imagery is often available at higher resolutions and commercial satellites
will often pass over your point of interest more frequently. Source of…
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The seaweed resource, mainly Ascophyllum nodosum, which is a commercially important species in Ireland, is being studied in the second phase of a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project. The project is focussed around mapping or quantifying the biomass of seaweed using Earth Observation (EO) resources. Two types of EO datasets, optical and radar, are currently being used for the…
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Algasat provides you a web application to upload your satellite images, and quickly get seaweed biomass information. The Algasat platform has been designed to be easy to use and understand, while minimizing the friction for our users. We use machine learning to identify patterns in your image in order to predict the seaweed biomass. The model has been trained and tuned specifically to identify…
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In 2020. The SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) challenge led by the Marine Institute in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland was launched to enable public bodies to fund research and drive innovation to address specific requirements not currently deliverable through the marketplace. In Oct 2020, Enterprise Ireland and the Marine Institute issued an open call to technology innovation…
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